Have back pain and been told you have a disc bulge? Struggling, wondering surely there’s something you can take to help it?
“Success rates are just as good in treating disc herniations conservatively as they are for surgery”
Many people are aware that disc bulges, depending on how severe they are, can require different forms of treatment. Sometimes no intervention is needed at all other times aggressive, invasive therapies may be required.
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When it comes to disc bulges, we always need to ascertain the severity before proceeding with any form of care. But just because there is a bulge doesn’t mean surgery should be your first option.
It would be terrible to undergo surgery then find out, after months of rehab that a simple approach may have been just as effective.
Often when you have disc injury, surgery seems to be the most suggested way to help fix it. This comes with risks and conservative care could mean avoiding the risk and possibly still getting the improvement you were looking for.
Some studies are even showing that there isn’t much of a difference in the outcome of surgical vs conservative care.
Whilst conservative care might be the right option for you, we still see many people that have had poor success from conservative care. So, does that leave surgery as your only option?
There are plenty little tips and tricks we use every day to help these people. One of the most important ones being collagen support.
But before we get into that it might be good to know some information about the disc itself. Disc tissue is primarily made up of a substance called collagen. Just like your skin, collagen is an important substance that gives the disc strength and flexibility.
It’s damage to these collagen fibres which occurs from pressure and strain through the spine that leads to disc bulge.
This is why conservative care is so important. Improving stability can be help reduce the stress on the disc and these collagen fibres giving the disc a chance to heal.
When people fail to improve with conservative care we find supporting this collagen matrix is often a great way to assist in recovery. So how do we do that…?
When it comes to repair, its all about reducing inflammation and increasing the production of collagen. Increasing collagen production may help to repair the disc tissue. There are many nutritional and supplementation approaches we can take to address this.
But I get really upset hearing about these so-called failed approaches to conservative care when we see such simple changes often making such a significant shift in the outcome for patients with these problems.
So if you’ve ever wanted to know about some simple things you can do yourself that we find often improve the outcome of disc related injury then you’ll love these points.
Here’s the top 3 items we see that help people with disc problems in our office:
Manganese – Manganese is a mineral or metal that is used in the production of collagen and the enzyme SOD in the human body. It’s a great nutrient that is important in collagen production
Vitamin C – One of the most basic of vitamins, Vitamin C deficiency is well known for causing a condition called scurvy in which the collagen breakdown can lead to issues such as gum disease, bleeding and hair changes.
Bone Broth – Full and rich in amino acids essential for collagen growth, bone broth has been used for centuries to assist with other tissue breakdown such as gut repair.
We see so many people who struggle with back pain from disc problems who have been poorly managed or have been provided with inappropriate advice. That’s why we created the 1 hour to recovery assessment program. A 1 hour assessment that covers all the functional issues we see that prevents people from recovering from back pain and disc related injury. 👉👉 click here 👈👈 to arrange your appointment.
Weinstein JN, et al. (2006). Surgical vs nonoperative treatment for lumbar disk herniation: The spine patient outcomes research trial (SPORT): A randomized trial. JAMA, 296(20): 2441–2450.
eul WC, et al. (2007). Surgical versus prolonged conservative treatment for sciatica. New England Journal of Medicine, 356(22): 2245–2256.
Shriver MF, et al. (2015). Lumbar microdiscectomy complication rates: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosurgical Focus, 39(4): 1232–1241. DOI: 10.3171/2015.7.focus15281. Accessed October 15, 2015.
Keen CL, Ensunsa JL, Watson MH, et al. Nutritional aspects of manganese from experimental studies. Neurotoxicology. 1999;20(2-3):213-223.
Lykkesfeldt J, Poulsen HE. Is vitamin C supplementation beneficial? Lessons learned from randomised controlled trials. Br J Nutr. 2010;103(9):1251-9.