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for over 20 years

35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone
VIC 3012, Australia
for over 20 years
VIC 3012, Australia
Serving Melbourne
for over 30 years
35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone, VIC 3012, Australia
Home » Our Services » Applied Kinesiology
Spinewise is a natural health care centre that offers high-quality and personalised Applied Kinesiology therapy in Melbourne. Our team of practitioners are highly skilled in the art of muscle testing. By working closely with you, we help unravel the underlying stress behind your symptoms so you get the bigger picture regarding your issue.
All our practitioners are certified in Applied Kinesiology by the International College of Applied Kinesiology and are specialised to understand what drives the issues in your body from the inside out.
Being advocates of Applied Kinesiology we are determined in enhancing your health and well-being and do so using custom treatment plans for each individual. So whether you are an athlete, a young one, or a senior, our Melbourne kinesiology treatment centre has everything to get you the best treatment for your pain or injury.
The human body is an amazing complexity of intertwined systems that overlap, support each other and thrive off of each other in order to produce what we see as human life.
Integrating those systems into one being is the role of the human nervous system. An electrical circuit containing billions of wires, all with their own fuses, dimming switches and alarm bells. Being able to read the nervous system through observation and assessment provides access to the entire human body in a remarkable way.
As is the case with most life, movement brings this system to life, allows us to defend ourselves and obtain the nutrients we need to grow and develop.
Applied Kinesiology is an amazing art form used to look for functional changes in the motor aspect of the nervous system via the assessment of muscle performance.
By applying specific force to muscles and assessing the muscle response, our trained practitioners can obtain specific information relating to the cause of your problems. In some circumstances, this may also assist in deciphering whether your problem is structural, neurological, physiological or perhaps even energy shifts in origin.
Monitoring muscle function through functional manual muscle testing helps our practitioners find intricate imbalances in your system that can sometimes be overlooked by standard diagnostic means.
It in no way replaces standard clinical assessments used by our team, but often allows our practitioners greater insights as to the changes in your nervous system that might be accompanying structural, physiological or emotional problems.
The term kinesiology now has so many meanings. Kinesiology is all about the study of movement. In fact, kinesiology is a part of biomechanics that is taught to all those who have studied Chiropractic.
Things started getting a little confusing in 1964 however, when an amazing man by the name of George Goodheart discovered a patient with shoulder pain had a weak serratus anterior muscle. He noticed nodules at the insertion of the muscle and after massaging them out, the muscle seemed stronger and the shoulder improved. After further research and development, he presented his findings.
He termed this new discovery Applied Kinesiology giving a stronger clinical relevance to the previous kinesiology term.
George was adamant that AK required a high level of knowledge to be able to be used correctly. In fact, still to today, AK is a post graduate program open only to those who have achieved a health degree of at least four years duration.
During this time, several other artforms have grown from the research and observations made by George Goodheart and other AK practitioners.
The result today is it’s estimated more than 1 million practitioners world-wide use some form of functional manual muscle testing in practice today. Unfortunately, this leads many to believe that ‘Kinesiology’ and “Applied Kinesiology” are the same thing when they are not.
This confusion not only occurs between people looking for help from a Melbourne Kinesiology practitioner, but also creates confusion in research as well!
AK or manual muscle testing does not provide access to a higher conscious, a spiritual entity or any other intelligent being. AK provides access to the motor aspect of the nervous system and allows our practitioners to gather vital information about how your nervous system is functioning.
Because the nervous system is the master controller of all systems in the human body, manual muscle testing is often used as a biofeedback tool to allow our practitioners to monitor your system. Through what are known as viscerosomatic and somatosomatic reflexes, monitoring the motor aspect of the nervous system can provide valuable information as to the clinical origins of your problem.
Over the years various interactions have been made with the motor aspect of the nervous system. Whilst it is still early days in many aspects of research, clinical observation has been a valuable tool in AK which has led to associations being made between biochemistry, biomechanics, emotion, cranial movement and acupuncture meridians with the motor aspect of the nervous system.
The result of these observations has been the ability to incorporate multiple different therapies and modalities into our practice.
It must be remembered though that AK is nothing more than a method of assessing the nervous system. AK is not a treatment modality. AK provides our practitioners with valuable feedback in the same way that a tape measure helps a builder to build a house.
All our practitioners here at Spinewise have undertaken many hours of postgraduate training in areas such as Chiropractic procedures, nutrition, biochemistry, Applied Kinesiology, NeuroEmotional Technique (NET), neuroimmunology, supplementation, herbal therapies, neurology and much more.
Over the years our team of Melbourne Kinesiology experts has blended these sciences together in such a way that you most likely won’t notice where one thing starts and another ends. Integrating all this knowledge is something we have worked very hard on to give you the best result possible.
So don’t stress about what you need, simply make an appointment and after assessing you, our team will be able to give you your options to give you the best chance possible to achieving the result you’re looking for.
We are a natural health care center that provides chiropractic services. Known among the best chiropractors in Maidstone, our practitioners are trained in Applied Kinesiology and are focused on not just pain, but total health and well being for everyone from infants to professional athletes. We create individual programs based on thorough assessments empowering you to decide whether you just want to get out of pain or really improve the quality of your health and life.
Our practitioners are either certified or diplomates in Applied Kinesiology by the International College of Applied Kinesiology and are also nationally registered Chiropractors. The knowledge they have allows us to quickly identify problems of a structural and physiological nature allowing us to work with problems beyond what most people have classically associated with Chiropractic care.
The result is a level of care not experienced by many previously.
We understand the importance of first-class chiropractic treatment and do what it takes to offer high-quality yet affordable services so you can live your best life.
The team at Spinewise is passionate, committed, and caring, ready to serve patients across key areas in and around Melbourne.
Many people are often concerned whether the practitioners they are looking to can help them. That’s completely normal and we understand this. But there truly is only one true way of knowing whether we can help you or not and that is with a thorough assessment. What we can say is that we promise to be truthful, open and honest with our findings and also work with you to achieve goals you would like to achieve in ways you feel comfortable in achieving them. We understand for many people they still feel a little insecure, and that’s ok. So if you would like to have a brief chat with one of our practitioners about your case prior to coming in, arrange a 10 minute phone appointment with one of our practitioners so we can quickly work out if your problem is one we often work with.
Your initial assessment is the most important appointment you’ll have with our team. Your initial assessment provides us with the time to gather all the important bits of information we need to adequately identify the cause of your problems and work with you heading forward. It is comprised of various health, neurological, physiological and biomechanical tests designed to not only find the cause of your problem, but to help us identify any other potential problems that might be developing.
Often we may require the use of further assessments such as our digital foot scanning technology or heart rate variability technology. In some circumstances we may need to refer you for specialized imagery, such as X-Rays or MRI, or for various laboratory tests. Rest assured our team will walk you through this process so there are no worries or fears along the way.
The complete process of an initial assessment can take up to one hour depending upon the complexity of your problem.
Most health funds have some form of rebate for Chiropractic services. A quick call to your private health insurance provider should be able to answer this for you. Usually there is a separate section for ancillary healthcare which includes Chiropractic, Osteopathy, physiotherapy and other similar health care practices. So simply give your insurer a call and they’ll be able to advise you on your level of coverage.
In terms of our office, when you attend for your appointment we’ll provide you with an itemized receipt which you can use to immediately claim your assessment off. This allows you to keep track of your rebates without any stress at all.
Chiropractic care is not directly medicare rebatable in Australia. However, our practitioners do like working with your GP to provide an integrative approach to your health. As such, our team do accept Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) arrangements which allows for some rebates to be paid by medicare.
If you’re unsure or have specific questions in relation to the use of your EPC plan, just give our office a call and we’ll discuss its use with you further.
We have our own specific parking available right behind our office. Feel free to park within this space. Otherwise, there is free parking available on the road alongside our office on Curtin Street.
Tottenham station is approximately 1.5km along Ashley Street and Dobson’s Reserve bus stop is also a mere 50m from our office. Many people attending our office get here via the bus and train.
We are a natural health care centre that provides Chiropractic and Natural Health services. Our practitioners are trained in Applied Kinesiology and are focused on not just pain, but total health and wellbeing for everyone from infants to professional athletes.