Do you have balance issues, do you also get migraines? Are they related?
Migraine is largely accepted to be an inherited tendency for the brain to lose control of its inputs1
Migraines are severely disabling, with symptoms including intense head pain, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue and light and sound sensitivity. This is an extensive and debilitating list, particularly as migraines are a recurring entity for most sufferers.
With the majority of sufferers experiencing multiple migraines per month, it won’t be surprising to know that migraine stand as the sixth most common cause of disability on the planet. I’m certain for many sufferers it is their only cause of disability!
The symptoms of migraines present differently for every sufferer and for some vertigo, dizziness or balance issues are a regular and dominant component. For these patients these symptoms are a key driver in the necessity to lie down and why it can be so debilitating
What if your balance issues weren’t just a symptom of your migraine but also part of the cause?
Firstly, a migraine is not just a moderate or severe headache, but a disease of the nervous system.
In the first phase of a migraine, before the headache, the brain stem and diencephalic systems modulating input signals begin to dysfunction. Translated that means that the first stage of a migraine is caused by brain stem dysfunction of sensory input.
Now, sensory input to the brain is extensive yet only one of the many areas controlled by the brain stem. The brain stem is responsible for regulation of the central nervous system and the body’s sleep cycle, plus being critical in the transfer of all motor and sensory traffic.
So, how significant is altered sensory input as a contributor to your migraines?
This is a very individually specific question. The critical understanding is that brain stem dysfunction, and hence migraines, are generally a result of many small dysfunctions. To resolve migraines, you need to check and correct all dysfunction to correct the overall mid brain dysfunction.
Do you want to see if your balance issues may be a contributor to your migraines?
Here are 3 simple tests to check the status of your balance system. Now, these are progressive challenges, so if you struggle with one, don’t try the more difficult ones. These should also be done in a safe clear environment with someone to catch you.
- Balance – eyes closed. Stand with your feet and heels together, once stable close your eyes. Can you maintain your balance without toppling? Have a helper for safety reasons
- Push test. Stand as above, now get your helper to push you at the shoulder, from left and right, front and back. Are you able correct yourself back to a centred position without having to move your feet to stabilise yourself?
- Pillow test. Stand on your pillow with your feet and heels together with your eyes open. Once settled close your eyes. Are you able to balance without any major movements? You should also move about a centre point not predominantly towards one direction. Are you always moving one way more than any other?
If you were unable to complete the above three tests you have balance issues that will be putting extra stress on your mid brain and may be a contributor to your migraines.
If you suffer migraines and have balance problems, there’s plenty that can be done to help you that doesn’t require medication.
If you’d like to discuss this, we’re happy to have a free 1 on 1 chat with you to see if a conservative drug free approach might just get you some relief and allow you to take control of your life again!
Book in a time with my team by just 👉👉 clicking here 👈👈 we’re always happy to help or point you in the direction of someone who can.