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35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone
VIC 3012, Australia
for over 20 years
VIC 3012, Australia
Serving Melbourne
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35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone, VIC 3012, Australia
Home » Back Pain Chiropractor Newport
Struggling to get out of bed in the morning or out of that chair? That constant ache that seems to follow you everywhere, cloud your thinking, make you snappy!
If you’re suffering with back pain, you’re not alone! It’s estimated that 70-90% of Australians will suffer back pain at some stage in their life.
Our team of expert Chiropractors have a special interest in back and neck pain. All our Chiropractors have done countless hours of post graduate study in back pain ensuring you receive care optimized to provide you with rapid and lasting relief.
The causes of back pain are broad and varied. The most common form of back pain though is also the most upsetting for our team. That is chronic back pain. The pain that lasts for weeks, months or even years! It upsets our team so much to see so many people from all areas of Newport needlessly suffer with back pain day after day, year after year!
In fact, we just want to yell “Get Lower Back Pain Treatment Newport!”
Some of the causes of the more serious chronic lower back pain include:
In most cases, these issues have often started as subtle, functional changes to structure that have arisen out of muscular imbalances, trauma or injury that have been left uncorrected as time has gone by.
But for some, an acute episode of back pain can sometimes start after the smallest of actions. Picking up the kids, doing the gardening, going to the gym or a friendly game of footy.
This type of back pain is the most common cause of back pain we see and is often caused by:
In either case your best back pain solution is to find a back pain specialist near Newport as soon as possible to prevent progression and restore function as quickly as possible. Which is why we all need to yell “get Lower Back Pain Treatment Newport!”
Over the years we’ve seen it all. From hanging devices to the weirdest of exercises you could ever imagine. But the question always remains “why does the fit 25 year old have more pain than his 50 year old mum if a lack of strength is the sole cause?”
Whilst there is no doubt exercise and movement are important in back pain relief, there is a difference between function and strength.
For example, the person who has just sprained their ankle still has all the strength they had an hour ago but has lost function due to injury. It’s the healing and restoration that takes place that is vital for strength to return.
But when it comes to back pain many receive treatment prior to having FUNCTION restored. The result for many we see is recurrence or aggravation.
For more than 20 years of providing back pain solution for Newport we’ve come to understand that restoring function is key to providing rapid back pain relief. The cause of dysfunction can be quite broad and really needs a back pain expert to truly assess. But here’s a short list of some of the causes of dysfunction we routinely see with back pain:
Our Expert Back Pain Chiropractors often have your back pain solution ready to go! Our team has been working with back pain sufferers for more than 20 years and have seen it all.
Our team has developed specific protocols for the different types of lower back pain that are safe, gentle and effective. Our expert back pain Chiropractors take a holistic approach to dealing with your lower back pain Newport incorporating inflammation control, muscle balancing, structural corrections and neurological integrity.
Through a detailed assessment and the use of our hi-tech equipment we can quickly ascertain the cause of your problem and the course of action that needs to be taken.
We understand finding a back pain solution can be tough. Our highly skilled team are here to help you reach the goals you want, improve your quality of life and get back to living pain free.
All our practitioners here at Spinewise have undertaken many hours of postgraduate training in areas such as Chiropractic, nutrition, biochemistry, Applied Kinesiology, Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), neuroimmunology, supplementation, herbal therapies, neurology, rehabilitation and much more enabling us to take a holistic, targeted approach to correcting your back pain.
Our friendly team is here to walk you through the process. To make an appointment simply call us on 9318 7758, make a booking online or click the chat button to get started. Our team is here to help you get rid of your back pain in a caring, supportive manner.
Need an excellent chiropractic treatment for curing your back pain? Our chiropractors specialise in curing back pains and offer tailored programs for those living in Melbourne suburbs such as Braybrook, Footscray, West Footscray, Tottenham, Essendon, Moonee Ponds, Maribyrnong, Altona, Newport, Brooklyn, Yarraville, and Sunshine.
We are a natural health care centre that provides Chiropractic and Natural Health services. Our practitioners are trained in Applied Kinesiology and are focused on not just pain, but total health and wellbeing for everyone from infants to professional athletes.