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35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone

VIC 3012, Australia


Serving Melbourne
for over 30 years

Group 11

35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone, VIC 3012, Australia

Chiropractic treatment for TMJ problems

Today I want to talk to you about something a little bit different, I want to talk to you about the effect your jaw could have on your entire body, not just your face, not just your migraines or headaches, but on the entire body and why it is so important to find a TMJ Specialist Melbourne.

You see if you’re suffering with dysfunction of your Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) generally you’ve probably got more than just face pain. You’re probably also suffering with neck problems, psychological problems, fatigue, light and sound sensitivity, insomnia and even headache and migraine.

The effects of TMJ Dysfunction on the human body is quite misunderstood by many. The TMJ is often referred to as the Godfather Joint because of its broad and systemic affects.

The Systemic effects of TMJ Dysfunction

The TMJ is hardwired into many areas of the brain and brainstem, especially the cerebellum and midbrain. When dysfunction occurs, changes to these areas activate our flight or fright centres in our midbrain (brainstem) and alter cerebellum function. This in turn has the affect of changing the function of our frontal lobes, the key area for keeping us rational, motivated and happy.

The resulting broad changes in brain function have been associated with changes in strength and flexibility in many areas of the body including the feet, shoulders, hips, back, neck and face.

When it comes to the face, TMJ dysfunction can irritate one of the key nerves in the face, the trigeminal nerve. AS chronic dysfunction occurs, this has the potential to lead to neuropathy or neuralgia, two debilitating conditions that can severely affect quality of life!

The trigeminal irritation can also lead to increased brain arousal affecting sleep, light and sound sensitivity and the neck. In some individuals this arousal can create enough stimulation to trigger migraines and chronic pain syndromes.

Chiropractic for TMJ

The TMJ is a unique joint that really needs a TMJ specialist Melbourne to properly assess. Our expert team of chiropractors for TMJ are specifically trained in assessing and treating the physical, structural, muscular and neurological aspects of TMJ dysfunction.

Here at Spinewise, our Melbourne TMJ and Facial Pain Centre has a special interest in TMJ dysfunction, migraine, trigeminal neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia and other TMJ related issues.

Tests you can do at home

One of the most common complaints from TMD (Temporomandibular dysfunction) patients is neck pain. There is an intricate link between mandible movement and upper cervical motion and trigeminal function and neck muscular function.

We can use this to our advantage when looking for an assessment method for TMJ method that you can try at home…

Try this simple exercise:

  1. Turn you head from side to side, bend forward and backward and side to side
  2. Make a note of any pain or restriction to movement
  3. Place an icy pole stick (or similar) between your teeth and bite down
  4. Repeat the initial movement
  5. Does this change your pain or increase your movement?

Any change in function may be an indication that your TMJ is forming part of the problem. You can repeat this for any area of your body. Back, hip, shoulder, foot, etc…

Whilst the test is one of many that needs to be accurately performed in assessment, it can provide you with a simple method of assessing your TMJ might be associated with problems in other areas of your body.

Causes of Dysfunction

The cause of TMJ dysfunction are extremely varied and can be associated with areas of the body not directly related to the face. Whilst bad habits can be triggers for dyfunction, over more than 20 years of working with TMJ patients, we’ve seen that most problems arise from other areas of dysfunction rather than things people have done wrong.

Here’s a short list of things that can cause TMJ dysfunction:

  • Direct trauma to the face
  • Dental occlusion problems
  • Dentistry and prolonged mouth opening
  • Pronation foot problems
  • Neck issues
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Balance problems

Where to Start

TMJ dysfunction (TMD) can be complicated to identify and even more complicated to correct. Our expert team are highly trained to identify and correct the causes of TMJ dysfunction.

If you’re suffering or needing help, or perhaps you just want a little more information, click the message button, call us on 9318 7758 or Book an Appointment online now.

Our team is here to help.

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