Climbing and descending stairs creating pain in your knee? Lacking confidence on jumping or turning quickly feeling like your knee will give? Pressure in the knee on..
Struggling to get out of bed in the morning or out of that chair. That constant ache that seems to follow you everywhere, cloud your thinking, make you snappy.
Unable to lift your arm above your head without pain? Reaching to the back seat of the car becoming a problem? Struggling to get out and play golf or tennis or perhaps
Dull, aching head pain. Tightness and pressure around your head and temples. Pain behind or around your eyes. Tension over your forehead or back of your head.
Ever get that burning under your feet on those first few steps in the morning? That pain around the base of your second toe on walking or running? Tenderness on your heel touching the ground? How about pain on the top of your foot that seems to be unescapable?
Whilst it seems strange to have pain in your face, facial pain does occur. For some it is a deep tooth-like pain that is unrelenting, for others a sharp electric shock like pain. Either way, face pain when severe enough can destroy lives.
These are just some of the things people with hand problems suffer with everyday. Our hands are the contact to our life. We communicate with them, eat with them, drive with them, work with them and even keep ourselves clean with them.