
Serving Melbourne

for over 20 years

35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone

VIC 3012, Australia


Serving Melbourne
for over 30 years

Group 11

35 Churchill Ave , Maidstone, VIC 3012, Australia


Do you really have spinal stenosis in your neck?

Do you have regularly neck pain or stiffness but also get pins and needles in your hand? Cervical spinal stenosis is the second most common variety of central canal narrowing. Recurring neck pain is a real pain in the neck (sic) If you also get pins and needles in your hands or arms you are Read the full article…

How to improve your head posture

Does your head hang forward? Do you feel like your head isn’t sitting on your shoulders as straight as it should be? The most common dysfunction with head posture is forward head posture! This is the slouchy ape like posture of the head. In today’s age with a lifestyle that involves less exercise and more Read the full article…

Why upper neck problems can come from your jaw

Does it feel like you always have neck pain? Do you need to constantly get your neck treated? Is it good for a while but the pain always come back? Jaw movements involve jaw and head-neck movements at the same time Pretty much everybody has had neck pain at some point and can relate to Read the full article…

3 simple things that help correct that neck hump

Have you noticed a neck hump at the bottom of your neck? Is it getting bigger or more painful? Are you worried that you may have a hunched back? Neck humps, also known as Dowagers hump, commonly increase as you get older. These humps are not something that are good to leave in the hope Read the full article…

Are your migraines linked to your period?

Do your migraines come like clockwork? Do they occur either just before or after your period? During women’s reproductive years, migraine is three times more common than in men of a similar age. Migraine is a predominantly female disorder. Women, compared with men, have a 1-year migraine prevalence nearly 3-times higher and a lifetime incidence Read the full article…

Serving Melbourne
for over 20 years